Dottie Dynamo is a full-time nomad, stripper and entrepreneur.

Part Newsletter. Part Journal. Part Advice Column.

Notes From The Road is the evolution of Dotties thirteen years as a self-employed stripteaser, two of those years living as a nomadic stripper and running her now closed small business(es) working as a personal trainer and a money coach for sex workers

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For just $5/month or $48 a year you’ll get access to travel updates and photos, insights into my life I don’t share on instagram, and of course my unique outlook on topics including but not limited to fitness, finance, navigating road life and of course sex work.

Free subscribers receive bite sized access to posts but paid subscribers will get the most because, despite my inner angst towards hustle culture and capitalism, ya girls gotta eat and buy gas for this classic gas guzzlin’ van. Your small contributions allow me get back to an analog life that allows my creative endeavors and joy of sharing knowledge to thrive in a sustainable way.


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© The Real Dynamo LLC 2024