How Bad Body Image Days Affect Your $$$

When you’re having a shitty body image day it’s easy to compare yourself and your body to the dancer who seems to have it all:

???? the body
???? the clients
???? the full calendar of gigs
???? the $$$

It can feel impossible to hype yourself up to go out and be sexy, funny, charismatic….a fucking people person when you feel anything but.

You’ve probably spent hours standing in the dressing room surveying your body in the mirror thinking.

???????? no one is going to want to dance with me
???????? why would anyone buy a room with me, I look gross
???????? everyone is going to be staring at my stomach during my act
???????? I’m not good enough to be in this show

I know I have.

But no matter how hard you try to hype yourself up you end up taking that fear and self-doubt out on to the floor with you, because you don’t believe the hype.

And if you don’t believe you’re fire, no one else will either.

At the end of the day if you still tie your worth and income to your body you’re more likely to:
❌ put other peoples needs before your own and sacrifice your boundaries
❌ try to control how you feel by controlling what you eat
❌ work out harder to burn more calories chasing a number – be it on the scale or in your wallet- that you’ve decided is your key to happiness & success.

It’s exhausting when your mind is consumed with
???????? “I shouldn’t be eating this”
???????? “My body doesn’t look the way I want it to”
???????? “ugh the scale went up” or “why can’t I lose weight”
???????? “I wish I had their…..abs, booty, tits, curves, confidence…”

I don’t want that for you, it’s a shitty road to travel and you’re always traveling it alone.
I know because I spent at least a decade on that dead-end road.