Powerful ways to reframe how you talk about money

People only spend money on things they find value in or believe they will benefit from. 

Think about it in terms of your werk, If the custie you’re with thinks that your time, company, and the service you’re providing are valuable to them they’ll pay your price no questions asked. 

But if they for any reason don’t think they’ll have a good time, feel like they’re getting ripped off or you haven’t provided enough evidence that your time is in fact as valuable as you say they’ll turn you away. 

Your relationship with how you spend money is no different.

From pasta sauce at the grocery store to the cost of travel. You’ll only spend money on items you find value in but you’ll use words like that’s too expensive, or I can’t afford that. 

Words that your brain latches onto and starts to create stories around. 

That’s why how you talk about money in everyday life can be more powerful than you realize. 

More often than not you can afford that thing you just don’t want to spend your money on it. 

It’s not too expensive you simply don’t think it’s worth the price someone is asking. 

You likely have other areas you’d rather spend your money. Other items and experiences you value more. 

Switching up how talk about spending money puts the power and choice back in your hands. 

I can’t afford that ➡️ That’s not what I want to spend my money on right now

I don’t have that kind of money ➡️ I’d rather spend my money on another experience

That’s too expensive ➡️ I’m choosing to save my money for something else. 

How you spend your money is a choice. So make it one. 

Use words that reflect your values and watch what happens to the unconscious relationship you’ve created with money.