A Side Hustle Won’t Solve Your Money Problems

A lot of people will disagree with me on this…..

You don’t need more ways to make more money until you learn to manage the money you have.

Influencers everywhere are like:
MoNetiZe YoUr hObBY!
Have MuLTipLe sTrEAmS of InComE
YoU NeEd a SidE HUsTLe

And like cool, but can we pause that capitalistic mindset that has us working non-stop and turning everything we love into a job for just a second and think this through.

You’re already hustling, maybe it’s full-time, maybe dancing is your side hustle….maybe you got into it for the extra cash, or hoping to get rich because social media has glamorized the industry.

But and here’s the big butt….if you haven’t been able to build savings, pay off your debt or simply not wonder where all your money is at the end of the month a side hustle isn’t the solution.

You think: I’m making 4k a month and I’m not making ends meet, I just never seem to have enough leftover. I just need to make more money, I need a side hustle!

What you’re missing is a clear trail of where that money is going. If you added up all your expenses, plus money to put into savings does it add up to less than 4k?
Because if so then 4k should be plenty enough for you to live on…….so what’s the issue?

The problem is CASH. It’s easy in, easy out.
It disappears before you’ve even accounted for it.
It’s hard to budget because you never make the same amount day to day, week to week.

But it is doable. And before you decide to take on MORE WORK, because yes a side hustle is work, you should have a clear money tracking system, or else you’ll end up exactly where you are right now.

Only you’ll be even more confused because now you’re working more hours and have extra money coming in but somehow still don’t have savings, your debt is still looming and you gotta pick up an extra shift this week so you can afford to take time off.

I’m all for multiple streams of income, having lots of things to go between can make working more enjoyable, but before you go adding extra income get the income you already have accounted for.