Your most intimate relationship -after yourself- should be with your money.

You didn’t push away groping hands, fake laugh with a sultry smile and twerk your ass off just to be clueless about your money.

You want to eff the man?

Be so strategic with your money that you know where every penny is going and use that knowledge to leverage that fast cash into financial freedom.

I want you to get ALL up in your finances.

????Where is your money going and why?
????How often are you checking your bank accounts?
????When are each of your bills due each month?
????How much did you spend on cab fare last month?
????House fees?
????Tips outs?
????Food ordered at or delivered to work?

Are you letting your money slide right out of your hands as fast as it slid in?

Every day you avoid organizing your finances or checking your accounts you’re making everyone but yourself rich.

I know because I did it for years.

I paid for most things in cash so it was like the money never existed in the first place because there was no record of it in my bank account.

And if I paid for something in cash there was no record of it on my budget spreadsheet either.

Even though I thought I was tracking my money, I couldn’t tell you where most of it went.

It simply wasn’t accounted for.

I’m willing to guess at least 100,000 dollars has disappeared through my hands over the 9 years I’ve been a dancer.

Poof Gone. ????
I thought stripping would make me rich.
But you can’t get rich if you’re careless with your money.

The first step to growing your wealth is to start treating your money with more respect and treating stripping like a business not a job:
???????? Track where every penny goes.
???????? Pay your taxes
???????? Make a savings plan
???????? Plan for Profit.

Are you up in your money’s business? Or is slipping thru your hands?